Lares 3d Gal 2
Inca Trail 5d 1 3
Inca Trail 5d 2
Salkantay 4d 1
Humantay Lake Gal 1


Good to go

Located in Cusco región in the midle of the Peruvian Andes, the Inca citadel was built around 1438 til 1532 and discovered in 1901 by local people and 1911 was exposed by American Hiram Bingham, still hides enigmas and mysteries about its real purpose, which continue to be hidden to this days ...

The Sacred Valley is located 15 km to northeast From Cusco city. Pisaq altitude is aproximately 3000 meters, the climate is appropriate for agricultura and nice living that is why many tuirst are renting places to stay there for months. Pisaq is the begining of Sacre ...

Ollantaytambo, this is the way to pronuncce "oy-yan-tie-tahm-bo" or you want to use the short form is OLLANTA”. It was named for Ollantay, the Inca general who expanded the frontiers of Tawantinsuyo as far noth as Colombia and as far south as argentina during the rei ...

The Sacsayhuaman (satisfied hawk) is a fortress-temple complex at the northern edge of Cuzco consider the capital of the Inca empire. Built during the Inca emperor Pachacuti (1438-1471 CE) and his dynasty, its huge, well-built walls remain those days as a testimony n ...

Free warm jacket for my litle friend!

Kenko Adventure Peru founder decided to add a social proyect in all Our tours that means, if you are booking a tour with Us, you automatically are donating a warm jacket for Our litle kids that have very hard living in very cold conditions near by the Andes Mountain

f you are booking a tour with Us, you automatically are donating a warm jacket

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