Inca Trail to Machu Picchu: 6 recommendations for your hiking adventure

Inca Trail Facts

The pedestrian path of the Incas has 43 kilometers to walk. Enjoy your journey through forests, mists and original fauna of the place. Finishing the trek, you will meet Machu Picchu to crown the crossing.

There are many ways to get to Machu Picchu, there are also several roads (the network of Inca roads is quite wide and complex). One of the best ways is the Inca Trail, it is the most popular among travelers and the most famous in America. Millenary stands, forests and dense fogs are all along the way, as well as unforgettable landscapes. The road ends at Machu Picchu, through the door of the sun, crossing another dimension meeting the Inca city and the most impressive views of the place when turning the summit and passing through the famous gate.

Inca Trail to Machu Picchu

1. How to choose the best date to travel

The Inca Trail is open 11 months a year (February is closed for maintenance). The rainy season is from December to March, and these are sporadic in the months of April and November.
The months most requested because they are dry (and also cold) are the months of May, June, July and August. These are the most recommended months, but because of the demand it is difficult to get a quota, if you did not make the reservation 6 months in advance.
You are more likely to get a reservation between April and May or September to November
In conclusion it depends a lot on which anticipation you plan your trips to be able to find a place for you, and it is not very recommendable to do the Inca Trail between December and March due to the rain.
Check the Inca Trail Availability Permits.

Inca Trail Permits Availability

2. How difficult is the trek

The difficulty of the Inca Trail is average, it is not extreme but it is not simple either. It is convenient that you find yourself fit to walk 43 km, going up and down mountains. It is highly recommended to make excursions and long walks before making the trek.
It is also affected by the amount of equipment to carry (try a small backpack with the basic ones) and shoes, get ones that do not get blisters and are very comfortable to walk on complex terrain.

3. Plan your trip 6 months in advance.

As we told you before, the high season requires advance planning. There are two entrance tickets to the Inca Trail. The first is from KM 88, this is the most requested and is called "Classic Inca Trail" and is done in 4 days and 3 nights. The second one is from Km 104, and it is called "Short Inca Trail", it can be done in 2 days, 1 day or 5 days (combining additional tours).
Only authorized travel agencies can operate on the Inca Trail, and they are the only ones authorized to buy the ticket for you.
It is also recommended to always have travel insurance, although accidents are not very common, it is better to be prepared.

Inca Trail difficult

4. There is a regulation and there is a variety of prices to choose.

There is a strict regulation that we suggest reading, although it is mostly oriented to travel agencies that have permission to operate the Inca Trail. The travel agency will also give you several recommendations in order to comply with the regulations before your trip.
Tickets to enter th

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